call for entries

Local Approaches Film Festival  
The LCW Local Approaches Film Festival will spotlight rising voices from throughout the LCW community. Submit your short video or film to showcase a recent, transformative project you want to share at the 2024 anniversary gathering and/or as part of a statewide collective of stories on the LCW website. It’s worth the effort! These stories can help inspire and be transformative for others. We will be here to help you with guidance as needed.

In three minutes or less, share an “ohhh” moment from your project. What’s the biggest takeaway, or most transformative moment of your project that you want to share? Ten years from now, what impact do you hope this project will have had in creating a regenerative, inclusive culture... 

Deadline for submissions is September 30 for consideration for showing and discussion at LCW.


EXAMPLE OHHH Moments:  Below are a handful of “ohhh” moments that arose from thinking about hwo to do things differently to build local resilience. Last year…

  • We learned that the ability to localize water begins with the soil, and a focus on the marriage of water and soil that optimizes soil health sets the foundation for healthy watersheds.

  • We talked about how responding to youth involvement challenges include co-created youth solutions and inclusion programs.

  • We heard about different ways to build on and credit indigenous and intergenerational knowledge and action.

  • We rethought how to create more funding opportunities, the future role of water agencies in local resilience, what it means to manage fire across “boundaries”.

  • We learned that change happens at the speed of trust, and discussed what it means to build trust and share knowledge, and create a reciprocity of care.

Possible/suggested topics include: 

  • Community Design 

  • Streamflow Enhancement 

  • Indigenous Knowledge & Traditional Ecological Knowledge

  • Youth Engagement/Workforce Development 

  • Pollinator Habitat/Habitat Restoration 

  • Greywater & Food Forests

  • Fire-Soils-Drought 

  • Workforce Development 

  • Drinking Water/Water Quality 

  • Agriculture

  • Water-Energy Nexus


  • Final entries at 3 minute maximum video length.  

  • 8 films are selected for LCW presentation by the Steering Committee. All films submitted will be shared and live on the LCW website prior to the conference. 

  • All films must be submitted for selection through an online file upload or link your video via Vimeo or YouTube. (It is recommended films submitted via an online screener be available to download). 

  • Email final viewing/download link to

  • Entrant(s) confirm and warrant required legal authority to submit entry into the Festival and to use all music, images, and content in the entry. Entrant(s) agree to use of film stills/clips for LCW 2024 outreach and communications. 

  • No submission fees. 

  • Deadline for submissions is September 30 for consideration for showing and discussion at LCW. October 31, for website selection and to be part of the online archive at LCW.